Паркоўка кандыцыянера
Новая энергія 12V 24V кандыцыянер для грузавых аўтамабіляў
MOQ: 1 шт.
Паспрабуйце непераўзыдзены камфорт на хаду з нашым рэвалюцыйным кандыцыянерам, які праводзіць кандыцыянер. Designed to keep you cool effortlessly, this innovative solution combines low power consumption with a strikingly unique design, ensuring a refreshing driving experience every time you hit the road. -
Кітай выраб электрычны кандыцыянер 12V 24V
MOQ: 1 шт.
MOQ: 10 шт.
In the hot summer, driving day and night, scorching heat, smart car electric inverter air conditioner can remotely control the temperature in the car, allowing you to remotely adjust the temperature in the car when you lie down, and enjoy the coolness in the heat . This kind of air conditioner is efficient and energy-saving, stable operation, low noise, and can quickly cool the car space so that bring you a good mood when driving and working. This portable air conditioner is suitable for large cars, trucks, buses, RVs, boats, engineering vehicles, etc. In hot weather, whether it is driving or not driving, it can cool the temperature in the car.
MOQ: 1 шт.
Каб палепшыць зручнасць транспарту, на рынак увайшлі многія невялікія электрамабілі і мікрааўтобусы. However, some of these vehicles lack air conditioning and are only equipped with small fans. To meet this demand, our company has developed and manufactured compact parking air conditioners with cooling and heating functions.
12V 24V RV Дах кандыцыянераў пераменнага току
MOQ: 10 шт.
Пастаўшчык сістэмы паветранага кандыцыянера для грузавіка для грузавіка
MOQ: 10 шт.
Паркоўка кандыцыянера - гэта своеасаблівы кандыцыянер у машыне. It refers to the equipment that uses the on-board battery DC power supply (12V/24V/36V) to make the air conditioning run sustainably, adjust and control the temperature, humidity, flow rate and other parameters of the ambient air in the car і цалкам задаволіць патрэбы вадзіцеляў грузавікоў для камфортнага астуджэння.
12В падзелены кандыцыянер для фургона New Energy
MOQ: 10 шт.
The split parking air conditioner is suitable for trucks, RVs, engineering vehicles, boats, campers, small space indoors, etc. It can be installed on the back of the head of the car, also known as backpack parking air conditioner. У цяперашні час у нас таксама ёсць некалькі раздзельных мадэляў, якія можна ўсталяваць на даху.
Універсальны дах уверсе спальны кандыцыянер для спальнага грузавіка
MOQ: 1 шт.
In the hot summer, driving day and night, scorching heat, smart car electric inverter air conditioner can remotely control the temperature in the car, allowing you to remotely adjust the temperature in the car when you lie down, and enjoy the coolness in the heat . This kind of air conditioner is efficient and energy-saving, stable operation, low noise, and can quickly cool the car space so that bring you a good mood when driving and working. This portable air conditioner is suitable for large cars, trucks, buses, RVs, boats, engineering vehicles, etc. In hot weather, whether it is driving or not driving, it can cool the temperature in the car.
Невялікі міні -12V 24V 48V 72V аўтамабільны кандыцыянер
MOQ: 1 шт.
Каб палепшыць зручнасць транспарту, на рынак увайшлі многія невялікія электрамабілі і мікрааўтобусы. However, some of these vehicles lack air conditioning and are only equipped with small fans. To meet this demand, our company has developed and manufactured compact parking air conditioners with cooling and heating functions.